1. What activities and experiences you and your child have engaged in might be promoting healthy behavioral practices and an interest in physical activity?
Well Sky seems to be very interested in outdoor activities as well as some indoor activities. Sky likes to play with a little basketball, throw baseballs, and run around with other neighborhood children, however she seems to get bored with these activities. Sky really enjoys riding her tricycle around the block, so whatever activity Sky is more interested in on that particular day, we both try to accompany her and make it more enjoyable for her. I feel it is very important for Sky to get at least an hour of physical activity a day, in order to keep her healthy and in shape. I am excited that Sky enjoys outdoor activities. Sky also enjoys watching educational TV, however she sometimes looses focus. In order for Sky to get the most out of the educational programs we started recoding the shows and watching them with Sky and trying to get her more involved with the program. I think that if we keep this strategy up then Sky will gain more interest in the programs.
2. Describe development of your child’s language and cognitive skills and discuss how these might be affecting his or her interactions with you & your responses.
Sky has again scored above average on her language skills, which makes my job a lot easier. Sky seems to respond very well with verbal instructions and is learning very fast. We are happy that Sky’s language skills are developing well, she is pretty much speaking full sentences and that makes it easier for both myself and Sky, for example when I tell Sky she needs to do something she can understand easier by knowing what I expect. On the other hand it makes it easier for me because she can use her words and tell me what she needs, for example if she is hungry, tired, or has to go to the bathroom. Sky’s cognitive skills are a little shaky, she gets smarter and smarter as time goes on but she lacking in the area of copying designs, solving picture puzzles, and building block towers. This has never been one of Sky’s strong points and we seem to be having some problems in overcoming this situation. So my plan is to involve more cognitive thinking activities in order to promote Sky’s abilities, also it will help Sky interact with us better when it comes to setting the dinner table or putting away dishes.
3. How well is your child adapting to social situations in the home and outside the home? Does your child have any behavior or emotional problems at this point? Why do you think these problems are occurring and what are you doing about them?
Sky is doing very well in social situations and I am very proud of that. A while ago we were having problems with Sky interaction with new faces, but she has several little friends at school and is becoming a leader when it comes to activities. I think that the persistency of having Sky adapt to new situations has finally paid off. Sky is doing well at home for the most part as well, the only problem we have run it too is, Sky is acting more like a baby sometimes and seems to be more moody at times. I think it is because we now have a new baby in the home and Sky might not know how to deal with the situation yet. We are just going to continue to support her and I’m sure this is just a phase that will pass with some time. Also when Sky is acting like a baby we are going to treat her like a baby, maybe that will help stop the behavior.