Monday, November 17, 2008

Assignment 12

1. As the program ends, what pathways does your child appear to be on in terms of physical, cognitive, social, emotional and moral development? To what extent could you have predicted these pathways based on what you knew of your child's earlier development?

Well Sky turned out to be a wonderful young women and I am very proud of her. Sky is very fit, physically active, and loves the outdoors, I think that it is very important for her to continue these traits.  Sky’s cognitive development is excellent, the only issue we had was with math and it seems to be a problem that is never going to work itself out.  Sky is very smart and is amazing a writing pieces, she is a very intelligent individual and is going to succeed in life, I’m sure of it.  Sky’s emotional well being is great, she is a very level headed sound individual.  She has her moments of being moody but for the most part is a very enjoyable young women to be around.  Sky’s moral development is excellent, she made a few mistakes here and there but learned from them immediately after.  She is a good person and gets along well with others as well as respects other peoples possessions, Sky also stayed out of trouble throughout her teenage years.  Sky turned out just how I thought she would with one exception, I thought Sky was going to be a little more rebellious to her parents due to the divorce at such a young age.  When the divorce happened Sky was acting out a lot and having a hard time with following rules and respecting her parents.  On the final report card it was mentioned that Sky comes to me over my ex partner for advice, also Sky has a very close relationship with her family which makes me very happy.

 2. Describe some specific ways in which you think your parenting mattered for your child’s development, based on evidence from the course regarding the contributions of parents to child development.

There are several ways in which my parenting style helped develop Sky, one example would have to be the amount of support that I tried to instill on Sky.  I think that it is very important for a parent to support their child and voice their excitement when there child performs well academically, morally, or emotionally.  I always tried to make Sky feel good about her performances that way she would strive to do well all the time.  Another way my parenting played a role with Sky is the way that I would deal with her when she was making bad decisions, what I mean by that is when Sky was experimenting with alcohol and marijuana.  When I was younger I was given the get out of jail free card one time, it made me realize how lucky I was and that I didn’t want to disappoint my parents like that again.  That is the same way I dealt with Sky when she was faced with these situations, and luckily for me and her, she didn’t make the same mistakes.  I feel that I did a very good job in guiding Sky throughout her life, It’s funny because I feel like she is just like me, I know it may sound corny but it seems like I was at the exact stage in my life when she graduated.  I think that I raised Sky just how my parents raised me.

 3. Describe some specific ways in which your child developed that appeared to be influenced by factors outside your control, such as genes, random environmental events or the general influence of contemporary middle-class American culture.

 Well it is hard for me to say that Sky developed differently due to her genes when she is just a virtual child.  However I can pick out when specific example of Sky’s development that is due to environmental issues and the American culture.  Sky has been worried about her appearance ever since she strolled in adolescence.  We had several incidents with Sky worrying about her weight, I was curios as to where she was getting these feelings from, then one day she was reading a magazine in the car and that’s where she was getting her feeling of being overweight from.  I had to put a stop to the magazine reading because I didn’t feel that it was having the best influence on Sky’s well being.  I felt that the modern day society outlook on how women should look was giving Sky a reason to feel less attractive, I felt that Sky didn’t need that negative outlook on herself and once we got rid of the magazine’s Sky become more confident in herself.



1. Are there any issues you had with your parents, your school work, your friends, or your romantic involvements in the last year of high school that continued to be issues for you in college?

I was very fortunate when it came to my relationship with my parents, we always got along very well.  My parents laid out some really easy rules to follow and as long as I abided by their rules then I had free range on whatever I wanted to do.  There rules were simple they were as follows, get a 3.5 GPA, no drugs, no alcohol, and no trouble as school or with law enforcement, if I followed the rules then I never got in trouble.  So to say the least I had a wonderful relationship with my parents and maintain that relationship to this day.  My school work always came first in high school and still holds priority while in college.  I have a very different group of friends then I did in high school.  It seems like all of my old friends are now doing drugs and not going to school, it is sad when I think about it but that’s just the way the world turns I guess, people grow out of stages and some don’t.  My romantic involvement in high school was really just a typical high school girlfriend and we broke up after graduation because we both had different goals and things we wanted to achieve.  My girlfriend now is much different and one of the most amazing people I have ever met, I can tell you that it is much different then my high school girlfriends.  It should be moving into the next stage here pretty soon when I grow the nerve to ask the big question.

 2. Reflect on your own personality, interests and cognitive abilities at the time you graduated high school. How did these personality characteristics and abilities manifest themselves in subsequent years? How have they changed since your high school days, if at all?

My personality has changed a little bit since high school, I used to be the guy who would always joke around and just try to make people laugh.  I still love to joke around and have a good time but, I am a little more mature now and tend to be more serious then I used to be.  My interests are still very much the same as they were in high school, I love to ride my dirtbike, play baseball, go fishing/hunting, hang out with the family, read books, and my job.  My cognitive strengths were always in reading, writing, history, and language arts.  My weaknesses were always math, I just plain suck at math and for some reason whatever I do I just have a hard time understanding the mathematical process in which to solve a problem.  Since I have gone to college I still struggle in math, I guess I will just have to continue to do my best and hope for a good outcome.  All of these topics have manifested in me since I was a child, I have always focused on being myself and not listening to the people with loose lips.  I feel it is good to have a sound self being and awareness of ones self, that is the way that my traits have manifested throughout my life.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Assignment 11

1. Think about your teen’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses and how they are reflected in his or her school grades and activities from 14-16 years of age. What careers or courses of study might be best suited to your teen’s abilities and interests?
Sky’s cognitive strengths are definitely in reading, writing, and creation of stories on paper. Sky’s cognitive weaknesses are still algebra which is of know surprise, it seems like know matter what I try she still receives a C in math. Career choice number one that I think would compliment Sky is journalism, she has always excelled in reading and writing and seems to enjoy that subject. I also think Sky would do very well in a science major, I am not too sure though because she seems to go through stages of dislike and liking of the topic.

2. How important have your teen’s relationships with peers been to his/her social development, emotional well-being and school achievement from 14-16 years of age?
Sky’s friends have definitely had a huge impact on her, some of her friends are of good influences and some of her friends have a negative influence on her. Sky is involved in many AP classes and leadership roles in school, a lot of her friends share the same achievements with there academic desires, which is a great influence on her because she shares the same interest. Sky’s emotional well being is typical because, she can still be a tad moody but nothing that needs any reprimanding. I am extremely proud of Sky’s academic achievements, she did well on her PSAT, she holds honor roll status, leadership roles, and is beginning her search for a college of her choice. The only issue that I am concerned about is her new boyfriend and some of her new friend choices.

3. How has your teen adjusted at 14-16 years of age to typical adolescent issues such as risk-taking, drugs, alcohol, and sexual interests, and how have you responded to your teen?
Well it seems as if the teenage years are finally here, Sky has gotten into a little bit of trouble as of lately and it has been a learning process for the both of us. Sky was recently at a party and tried some marijuana, she admitted her mistake to me and I gave her a get out of jail free card. With that in mind I had a talk with Sky about her future and the risk of drug use, however a little while later, Sky called me from a party to come pick her up and when she got in the car she smelled of alcohol. Once again I gave her a get out of jail free card and explained my appreciation for her maturity in the matter of calling me and not driving drunk. The following day I had another talk with Sky about these issues and explained the risks of what her actions have led too. If Sky decides to make any more pore decisions she is going to be shocked with the consequences, I believe in giving people second chances and understanding that Sky is a teenager and she is going to make mistakes but, if she continues her actions then she probably wont think that I am that cool of a dad anymore. Last but not least Sky has a new boyfriend and we are unsure of whether or not she is having sex with him, my ex partner took the role of talking to Sky about waiting to have sex, and also covered the important facts of using a condom and simple protection. I really hope that Sky will make an appropriate decision and choose to hold off on sexual activity until she is married.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Assignment 10

1. What activities and experiences at ages 12 and 14 has your teen been involved in that might promote healthy behavioral practices, physical fitness and skill in sports?

Well as far as activities and experiences that Sky has been involved in, I found a few that seem pertinent to Sky’s behavior practices.  Sky is going through a lot right now emotionally and physically, and has been having some temper issues, she has been going for walks when she becomes upset.  By her finding an activity when she is upset shows me that she is maturing, it also shows a lot about her character and it promotes healthy behavioral practices, because she is choosing to walk instead of remaining in the situation and becoming angrier.  Sky has also taking a liking to camping and hiking, I think this is great for her because she is getting good exercise and it is healthy for her to get outside and build muscle.  Last but not least Sky had a little disappointment when she did not make the high school tennis team.  Even though Sky didn’t make the team she is still playing tennis with her aunt, and I’m hoping that by playing with her aunt it will pay off and Sky can make the team next year, plus it is increasing her skill level in the sport.

 2. Have there been any changes in your teen’s behavior toward you or your partner? Why are these occurring and how are you responding?

Of course there has been some behavior changes in Sky’s attitude towards me.  Sky has begun to be a little disrespectful to me when it comes to my rules and expectations.  For example Sky gives me the silent treatment when I start talking to her about bed time, chores, and rules.  Sky has also become a little condescending to me when I explain to her what I expect when she goes out with her friends.  I think that these are occurring because Sky is just trying to figure out how far she can bend the rules or test my patience.  She is a teenage and I knew it was going to be coming sooner or later.  I have not really had to truly discipline her yet but I have denied her the opportunity to go out when she wants too, that way it reminds her that I am still the boss and what I say goes.

 3. Do you see any examples of how cognitive and physical changes in early adolescence (ages 12-14) relate to your teen's social or emotional behavior?

There is one specific example of a physical change in her adolescence that relates to Sky’s social and emotional behavior.  Sky was being made fun of at school because she is “flat chested” and wanted a push up bra.  Her mother bought her the bra to instill confidence and minimize the teasing, but I had a talk with Sky about taking what other people say with a grain of salt.  I know it is hard for a young women in this stage and I was surprised to see how much it effected Sky, but the new bra will hopefully instill more confidence in her social life and her self image.  Sky’s cognitive development in her early adolescence has been a pretty steady process.  She seems to share a lot of the same ideal thinking on topics as her parents.  The only problem that we are still encountering is her math skills.  I think cognitive thinking has a lot to do with someone’s ability to understand math, because it is a theory based evolution to solve each problem.  I am kind of running out of ideas to help Sky with math, I guess that being persistent might just do the trick one of these days.