Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Assignment 3

1.  There has been three environmental changes that have happened to Sky and two of them have influenced her behavior as of this far.  The first change came when I lost my job and we had to downsize our apartment and move to a rougher part of town.  During this situation Sky became moody and was tougher to deal with.  Secondly Sky has just recently changed her daycare setting from an infant daycare to a toddler day care.  Sky was acting up at daycare in the beginning but after a while Sky seems to have adjusted very well.  The newest environmental change in Sky’s life is her mommy is pregnant again but, we have not told Sky yet.  We are waiting for the correct time to explain to Sky what is going on with mommy.

 2.  Sky is doing very well around the house, Sky is becoming more independent and getting good at following routine events like brushing her teeth.  Sky does still need a little encouragement and reminding for some things like taking a bath and such but, for the most part Sky is doing well.  We have not had too many problems with Sky not listening, I think it is due to the consistency of our rules and constantly enforcing them.  The only problem we are having right now is potty training Sky, I don’t really see it as a problem of not listening too us though.  Sky is lacking a little bit of self control when it comes to potty training issues but, we are going to continue to work on the problem.  Sky is pretty good with children but she does have her moments.  The only time we seem to have an issue with Sky getting along with other children is when her favorite toy is involved or another child tries to take a toy away from her.  I think it is a typical toddler reaction and it will eventually work itself out when Sky understands the meaning of sharing.


3.I have noticed that a lot of my parenting decision’s is grouped in with Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental theory, mainly due to this statement “children actively construct knowledge as they manipulate and explore their world.”  What this means to me is that you have to let your child live their own life, it doesn’t mean you do not have to enforce any rules but you should let them explore on their own and create the world they live in through their own eyes. Piaget also talked about rewards from adults, I have not been rewarding Sky with toys and gifts but with a hug and a pat on the back, so I feel that Piaget’s way of thinking represents parts of my parenting skills.  Vygotsky’s Sociocultural theory plays a big part in the way I am trying to raise Sky based on this statement “ in particular, cooperative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society-is necessary for children to acquire the ways of thinking and behaving that make up a community’s culture.”  What this theory means to me is, children need to be shown the way when young in order to function appropriately in society.  That is why when Sky throws a fit about a toy I don’t tell her to go hit the other kid who took her toy, instead I talk to her about sharing and being generous.  I think it is very important to raise our children with good morals and ethics because they are the next generation too come.  Lastly Information processing has played a major role in my parenting.  I am a firm believer that you can do anything you put you mind to, but it depends on how you break the information down and secondly how you act on the information.  In the beginning Sky was having a hard time playing hide and seek but as I persisted to play the game with her and she became better because the more times we played the better she could process the information.  The same scenario has recently presented itself with the issue of potty training Sky.  It might take a little while but the more she tries the better she will get at processing the information when her body tells her I have to go to the bathroom and she processes that information and goes potty on the toilet.  That is why I am so consistent with her so she can develop her own information processing techniques. 


Sabine said...

Hi Daniel,
My child Mars and Sky had the same hard to adjust change from their new daycare. After all they both got through it and are fine, so that's good. I think this is an important change that naturally will affect any child or toddler, do you think so to?

Jamie Heller said...

Congratulations! Apparently, I am pregnant too! Boy do I have some explaining to do! I also recognized Piaget and Voygotsky in this blogging experiment.

Amy Hiett said...

Hi Daniel,
Looks like our kids are living the same life. Everything you mentioned are what is going on with us. It's great that these kids are only affected minimally. Good Luck and Enjoy!!!

Erika Sword said...

I'm pregnant again too. It'll be interesting to see how I'm going to explain it to her. I'm just waiting until that day comes, I should have a plan, but I don't. Not yet atleast. My partner lost his job when Ryann was younger and it affected how we were with her. We noticed we weren't paying as much attention to her as we should have been so it quickly changed. Thing's will get better. Good Luck!